The Circulation Department is responsible for assisting patrons with checking out items, renewing items, accepting payments for fines, and general circulation policy questions.

All day our staff is busy discharging items from patron accounts, sorting and shelving books and audio-visual items. We also assist patrons with registering for library cards and placing items on hold. Books that have been requested and are not available at the Nancy Guinn Memorial Library can be sent here from other PINES libraries across Georgia and are processed daily.

Register for a Library Card

Patrons can register for a library card at the Nancy Guinn Memorial Library’s circulation desk. Library cards are available to Georgia residents at no charge. Proper identification with the current street address will be required upon application for a library card in order to verify residency. Persons under 18 must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature on the application. To speed up the process of applying for a library card, patrons can pre-register at the PINES website. Remember to select the Nancy Guinn Memorial Library under the Conyer-Rockdale Library heading when pre-registering.


We cannot tell you your PIN, but we can reset it. Present your card at the circulation desk and request your PIN reset. Patrons may also request a password reset by phone by calling a PINES library. The patron must be able to provide the library staff with the barcode number, full name, date of birth, and either address or phone number. If your account has an email address attached to it, you may reset your PIN online. Go to “My Account” at, and under the “login” button, click “forgot your password?”. You must enter your username or barcode (your library card number without any spaces) and click “submit.” Your reset PIN will be emailed to you.

Place Books on Hold

You can place books on hold by logging into your PINES account, searching the catalog, and placing a hold on the book. This can be done at home or at the library. When the book is available, you will be notified, and the book can be picked up from the hold shelf located next to the circulation desk. Books on this shelf are organized by patron last names.

You can place books on hold by filling out a hold slip at the Circulation, Adult Services, or Youth Services desks. When the book is available, you will be notified, and the book can be picked up from the hold shelf located next to the circulation desk. Books on the shelf are organized by patron's last name.

You can call the library at 770-388-5040 and request to place a book on a 24-hour hold which can be picked up at the circulation desk. For adult books, dial ext. 118; for youth books, dial ext. 113.

Suggest a Purchase

Return Locations

All items may be returned to any PINES library or to a drop box at these locations:

Fire Station – 4048 Troupe Smith Road
Fire Station – 2450 Old Salem Road